As well as undertaking bespoke consultancy to suit your exacting requirements, Open Consulting offer a range of pre-packaged consultancy; the most popular are profiled here. The benefit to you is that you have a pre planned and scoped piece of work that delivers known benefits and whilst it is pre packaged it is totally scalable and adaptable to your business.
Strategic Audit A financial audit checks basic financial fundamentals about a business and reports back to shareholders. Our signature consultancy project, the Strategic Audit checks the performance of your assets both human and capital, against your corporate goals. Realigning your assets to maximise performance can make a big difference to your bottom line; in these difficult times it can make the difference between maintaining and growing your customers and losing them to your competitor. The Strategic Audit is a scalable project that fits in with the requirements of the firm. An initial free consultation examines the scope of work that needs to be performed and the level and type of output required.
Desktop Operating System Upgrade
The standard issue desktop or laptop personal computer is an essential piece of kit for every employee; without it many simply could not do their jobs. Microsoft (MS) will be imminently withdrawing its support for its MS XP operating system; together with the MS Office 2003 environment; this platform represented perhaps the most stable environment for many personal computer users. This will leave many firms unsupported on a platform which is essential to the running of the entire business. Our team of professionals can handle the entire end to end process of migrating your users and applications onto a new fit-for purpose operating system; be that Windows 7, Macintosh, or Linux; our team will get you there with the minimum amount of disruption. Our team of professionals have migrated over 400,000 users from large corporates to small and medium sized businesses. We cover all aspects of application scripting, hosting and deployment. Get in touch to learn more:
UAE National Development Are you fulfilling the true potential of your UAE Nationals? We offer a range of programmes to develop UAE Nationals from trainee level to senior executive management. These development programmes are unique and tailored to an individual or organisation. It includes on-the-job training, coaching and specific skills gap development that actually increases performance, retention and motivation. As a public or private organisation, ask yourself, are we getting the best out of our UAE National talent?
Working Capital Working capital is the lifeblood of any business. Now more than ever your entire organisation needs to understand the importance of maintaining liquidity in the business. Liquidity is not just the responsibility of the accounts department; it is the responsibility of every single person in the business. Helping your people understand the requirements of a healthy cash flow and giving them the tools to understand the working capital cycle within the business is what this package is all about. If you are a small business that is experiencing difficulty then it could mean the difference between sinking and swimming.
Customer Retention Do you have the right customer retention strategies in place? In the current economic climate survival and holding on to your customers is key, but unless you innovate you have little chance of maintaining your existing customers let alone acquiring new ones. We have specific customer retention programmes that have been proven to work. Ask us for a free consultation.
Talent Management Ensuring that you have a strategy for maintaining key positions in your business is more than just about succession planning. Compensation and benefits, career growth plans and motivational theory play an important part in ensuring that your human capital performs optimally to help your business excel in the marketplace.
Health Check Do you have issues with a specific division within your business? Maybe it is just one person, but if that person is a key resource you need to ensure they are aligned to your goals and you are getting the best out of them. The Health check helps give senior managers and directors a rapid diagnosis of a problem area within the business and helps them put in place a plan to remediate the problem.